Easy Honey Walnut Shrimp with a Kick

Posted by Natalie Jean on

1 lb raw, Peeled shrimp, rinsed
½ C walnuts
1 tbsp Butter
1 Tbsp Honey
¼-1/2 Tsp Jambalaya Mix
1. In a wide, Shallow Pan, Melt Butter.
2. Add Jambalaya Mix and nuts, Sautee nuts until warm, and browning. Set aside in a bowl, keeping leftover spice and butter in the pan
3. Heat pan again until butter starts sizzling and lay shrimp in an even layer across your pan.
4. turn shrimp when done about halfway through and add nuts on top.
5. Once shrimp is opaque on top and bottom, add honey and toss. As the honey reacts to the heat and Butter, you should have a thicker sauce developing.
6. Once everything is well coated, remove from heat and serve on a bed of Greens, Pasta, or Rice (have fun getting creative here!!)

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