About Us


A long time ago, in a Galaxy far, far away....

Ok, maybe not so much.

Our story starts with family tradition. We're a family of Flavor-Lovin'-Foodies, who love our spices.

Natalie grew up using them, and never imagined that some day she would be teaching people how to cook without salt, because salt was just not in the family way of life. Everyone used spices, right?

When some family friends needed some help, we came running. We tried teaching them how to use Oregano, and Rosemary, Garlic, and Thyme, We tried giving them cookbooks, we tried EVERYTHING!

What finally helped was handing them a jar of Poultry Seasoning and saying "Use this on Chicken."

That's when our story started. We found a real need in the world and started on the path of filling it: Great flavor without the salt!

We started by growing everything we could that went into our blends, drying, and then mixing, and grinding.

It was Natalie and her Mom back then. 

The company went through a Hiatus until 3 years later, Natalie asked for the right to build the company around just the blends. 

Obviously, it worked. We still hand mix, grind and bottle, in small batches to ensure the highest standards for flavor and potency. We still use our own Oregano, it's truly the strongest stuff we've found yet, and boy have we looked!

Now, Natalie's Family has returned to the Spice world, and we can expect more and more coming out of the family farm, right into our bottles! 

What's more to say, except, "Keep Things Tasty"!