Fun Stuff
Posted by Natalie Jean on

I'll bet most of you didn't know that I used to be an Office Manager and Bookkeeper before I became "The Spice Lady" It's really interesting, I used to wear a ton of hats, and ran the office so the "boss" could go build their business. What happened? I guess the law of supply and demand, and a few other factors. I really tried to get small offices to the point where an idiot could run them.... and ended up working myself out of a job, because... an idiot could run the office. Sooner or later, I was burnt out. There had...
Chai Spice In The Wild
Posted by Natalie Jean on

One of our customers had it right: This recipe is SPOT ON for Easter!!! Glazed Carrots are a Gorgeous addition to any holiday table, and a real cinch to put together. The taste is buttery and sweet, the ingredients are few, and the prep is almost nonexistent. The real key is the Chai Spice. Because it highlights the natural sweetness of the carrots so well, you will use LESS sugar than normal. In my book, that's a total win! The recipe video is live on Facebook right now, and coming to the Recipe Blog next week, so keep an eye...
Give me your opinion!
Posted by Natalie Jean on

Fill in the blank in the comments: I ______ Chai Spice! The other day, I needed to eat something while I was at the Farmer's Market, and decided to "Spice Up" my vanilla protein drink. I have to say that I was totally FLOORED with how good it came out! Really, I shouldn't have been, I knew both flavors I was putting together, I knew they were both great, but I was still Wonderfully amazed. Let's just say, it didn't last very long, LOL!!!!
- Tags: chai spice
Chai Spice: Did you Know??
Posted by Natalie Jean on

Chai Spice was originally developed for my Sister In Law when she was pregnant! She wanted to stay away from caffeine and other questionable things in commercial chai mixes, but BOY did she crave them!!! So... She asked Mom and I to make her something she could put in milk to make it taste like commercial Chai. It took some time, an no little amount of playing with that recipe to make it right. In the end, would you believe a pregnancy craving is what started our BEST selling blend??
It's the human touch, how we find each other
Posted by Natalie Jean on

Maybe we met at an isle in the supermarket, maybe at a Farmer's Market, maybe through a Recipe Video.A lot of these first interactions between you and I create such a rich history that often, I honestly forget WHICH "event" started it all! It could all start with.... Bumping into a stranger at the storeAn infectious smile when one of us needed a brighter dayA good smell caught your attentionMurphy's law rears it's ugly head and we had a good laugh These little events make for huge relationships with a another human being. Sometimes they're born out of "need", sometimes,...