Fun Stuff
Who else???
Posted by Natalie Jean on
It's Natalie!
Posted by Natalie Jean on
Not everyone knows the face behind the brand, and here you are! I'm Natalie, and I'm THE spice girl! I fell in love with these before they were a thing, because of the awesome flavor that can be packed into each one of these jars. I've had TONS of people look at me with disbelief when I tell them there's no salt or sugar in the blend they just tried. "You're kidding.... but it's so good!" they say. My heart warms every time. Its a challenge for sure to get that perfect mix of spices to make that happen, but MAN,...
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Posted by Natalie Jean on
Here's to your favorite Irish traditions, and a wonderful meal to boot! Comment with the last food pic on your phone!
Sold Out!
Posted by Natalie Jean on
We actually managed to make a couple extra bottles of Corning Spices (I got one too, I'm thrilled!!!) and are completely sold-out. Enjoy your Corned Beef everyone!!!
How would you describe this?
Posted by Natalie Jean on
How would you describe this Greek Pasta Salad using our ever-popular Greek Seasoning?? Hold on tight, you'll see the recipe live on Facebook next tuesday at 6:00 pm Pacific!