Play with your food
Posted by Natalie Jean on
Recently, life has been crazy, and feeding myself hasn't been a huge priority. That's when I get myself in trouble. You see, I went low-carb a few years ago because my Dr. said "congratulations, you're on the verge of diabetes.... do something about it NOW."
Well, I did. I was merciless about cutting out the sugars, grains, beans, and even most fruits in order to manage glucose levels. THAT is how I found out that the sugars and starches are what had caused the daily headache since I was in my late teens. These headaches weren't any joke either. There were times when I'd be in major pain for 2+ weeks straight, and barely able to function while on waaaay too much advil the whole time.
About 2 months into this new food journey I realized that I hadn't had a headache in at least a couple weeks... I just hadn't noticed the absence for a while. It was wonderful!
Meanwhile, with life being what it is, I've relaxed my food standards a little TOO much, and the headaches have come back. So....It's time to fix that, and make it easy to grab something an go. Where has that led me?
Smoothies, Protein shakes, and soon, something akin to a "Blended salad"
That last actually sounds really good, but I haven't had a chance to try it yet.
What am using right now?
1 Small Avocado
1/4 c nuts, soaked overnight
(soak in 1 cup water and then toss the water. you can pre-soak and put the rest in the freezer to save prep time)
1/2-1 c water
1-2 cups of greens
2 tbsp unflavored protein powder
a handful of berries (about 1/4-1/3 c blueberries, or 3 large strawberries, etc.)
2 Tbsp ground flax seed
1/2 tsp Chai Spice
1 tsp sweetener
These have really been helping me get back on track. Plenty of protein, don't have to "look at food" way too early in the morning (yes, this is a thing.), they're filling, and have a ton of great nutrients to keep a person going.
I'll get you more recipes as I play with these more!!!